Art Clokey on the Future of Gumby
“It’s interesting. Gumby is spreading into the collective unconsciousness, you could say,” Art stated
Gumby is known worldwide through the Internet and TV syndication. People in Canada, Germany, England, Australia, Japan and other countries are all interested in seeing more Gumby movies and adventures. They are especially crazy about Gumby in Japan and Australia.
“One man in Australia makes a business of going around in a Gumby costume to malls, hospitals, children’s hospitals, and birthday parties. The appeal is to the young children. So it’s amazing, Gumby just keeps going on and on.”
We asked Art if there were one thing that he would like to see Gumby do.
“Well, I would like to see Gumby help teach children human values, so that they can respect each other as human beings and as a big family. They need to know we are all a big family.”