by Gumby World | Dec 5, 2017 | Articles, Events, News
“Get Animated!” Explores the History of Animation from Pencils to Pixels The new “Get Animated!” exhibit, created by Stage Nine Entertainment, includes a number of elements focused on the iconic Gumby and his creator Art Clokey. The exhibit, which opened at the...
by Gumby World | Dec 5, 2017 | Articles, News
Gumby Imagined, Story of Art Clokey and His Creations is in Bookstores Now Gumby, the world’s original clayboy and legendary pop icon is the subject of a new retrospective art book. Gumby creator Art Clokey was an animation pioneer, and his characters Gumby and...
by Gumby World | Nov 29, 2016 | Articles, News, Press Releases
Gumby, the unforgettable stop motion character, has entertained generations of fans since his introduction in the early 1950s. Now, Dynamite will release the essential compendium to his 60-year history in 2017, featuring an incredible retrospective on not only the...
by Gumby World | Jun 30, 2015 | Articles, Events, News
The Gumby Team Presents ‘Sixty Years of Gumby’ Panel at Comic Con on Sunday, July 12. Get a glimpse into Gumby’s world during a panel presentation at Comic Con in San Diego on Sunday, July 12, 2015, at 11 a.m. in Room 29AB. A panel from Gumby’s studio...
by Gumby World | Mar 1, 2015 | Articles, Events, News
Gumby’s Going to College! Gumby Fest has a new home – Citrus College in Glendora, California. The second annual Gumby Fest is expanding to fill an entire weekend (Sept. 18-20, 2015) and a larger venue. With so much to see and do, you won’t want to miss it....