The Adventures of Gumby, 1960s, Volume 1 gift set just released on February 23, 2016. This set includes over 40 episodes from the early ‘60s, and a ’60’s style 4.5” bendable Pokey toy. It’s available at and major retailers such as Target, WalMart, Best Buy, Sam’s Club, Barnes and Noble, groceries and many more.

Gumby 1960s DVD gift set with Pokey bendable toy

Joe Clokey, son of Art and Ruth Clokey, the creators of the Gumby, found the original camera film rolls in the archives, and he has lovingly restored them. The film held up beautifully over the decades; the episodes look as though they were just created. The episodes are shown in their original lengths with the original soundtracks.

The DVD includes some great bonus features, including the charming first pilot (with sound) that aired on NBC in which Gumby sings an entertaining song about himself. Other special features include: Space Ball, a rare episode that first introduced Professor Kapp; a tour of the 1964 Clokey Productions studio; and a special behind-the-scenes photo gallery.

Volume 2 of the 1960s will be released in the fall of 2016. Following that, NCircle Entertainment will be releasing The Gumby Movie (1990s), re-mastered in its full length. The 80’s series will launch after that.

Here’s a fan review of the new set:

“Just got my NEW Gumby set, which includes the shorts that were made in the 60s. What a great set! They went back to the original camera elements to make a transfer that is above and beyond your wildest dreams……..PLUS……..they have their original soundtracks, unlike the set that was released by RHINO years ago. Those had replaced music and voice tracks, all synthesized. This is the real deal! I loved Gumby and Pokey when I was growing up and I love them still. Hats off to Joe Clokey for a terrific job in helping to keep his clay brother alive! In case you DON’T know, Joe is the son of Gumby’s creator Art Clokey. PLUS a bonus on the DVD……the ACTUAL pilot that launched the series. Before this set, it was always thought that GUMBY ON THE MOON was the pilot……it was a little film that I had in my own collection entitled “Gumby Business, a Sample”. The Clokey company had some footage from this landmark film but I supplied them with the complete film with it’s original soundtrack. Thanks to legendary TV pioneer E Roger Muir, producer of The Howdy Doody Show, this film survived. It is the actual print they used on Howdy Doody on June 16, 1955 that Roger and his wife Barbara archived and eventually gave to me. As the wonderful song on the show goes……”if you’ve got a heart then Gumby’s a part of You…..” It STILL holds true today. Thank You Joe Clokey for another wonderful collection! Gumby and Pokey ARE a part of YOU! Now, I’m gonna watch Gumby and Pokey!” -Jack Roth

A favorite iconic character of the past six decades, Gumby brings back fond memories for fans of all ages, while their children and grandchildren are mesmerized by Gumby on YouTube, Kabillion (a free on-demand network) and many other Internet based platforms. Gumby, the world’s original clayboy is truly timeless. His limitless adventures enchant each new generation.

Get your DVD set here.