The Pilots
The Plucky Plumber
Art financed this pilot film with the purpose of selling a TV network on doing a series of 30-minute films without dialogue.
“I was brought up on Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplain, Harold Lloyd, all the silent masters, and I thought that it was an art form that could be revived if we got a person who knew how to get laughs visually, because movies are a visual medium, and those comedies were perfectly adequate. They didn’t need dialogue. In fact, when they had dialogue it was printed on a black background up there. It was still visual. I thought that we could do that, and I still think it can be done. I showed The Plucky Plumber to Screen Gems, but they didn’t go for it.”
Space Ball and Professor Kapp
Space Ball introduced one of Art Clokey’s most lovable characters, Professor Kapp. Shaped like a brown fig topped by a halo of white hair over wide eyes, his only clothing is a Phi Beta Kappa key positioned to protect his modesty.
In Space Ball, the professor has invented a ball-shaped ship that permits travel, and becomes invisible during flight, which gives a fright to anyone who rides in it.
Treasure for Henry and Who’s What
These two pilots introduce two new stars: Rodgie and Henry, a bird and a bear. It’s the early 60’s, and modern jazz is used to go along with a new story adventure for children. There are several levels to these shows, as the art appeals to both adults and children, just as Gumby’s surrealism reaches people of all ages.
Lawn Party
Lawn Party is a comedy gives new meaning to mowing the lawn. The hook? Stop Motion animation with live people—a unique combo that brings in the laughs.